"I Will" Audio Session 2 • I Will Wait

"I Will" Audio Session 2 • I Will Wait

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Are you up for a challenge that will change your life for the better and make an eternal impact on those around you? Then take the I WILL Challenge! This is not an easy fix to lukewarm Christianity, rather four disciplines that are hard work. However, as you make these disciplines regular practices in your life, you will experience joy in serving the Lord and advancing His Kingdom.

Session II: “I Will Wait”

Waiting is not something that we like to do. If we need to wait, it means someone is late, behind or slow. Waiting slows down our progress and productivity, so we do all we can to avoid it. However, waiting on the Lord doesn’t set us back or slow us down. In fact, waiting on the Lord comes with a three-fold promise that we can’t afford to miss.