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"Sold Out for God" DVD Series

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Most of us want to know God’s plans for our life, yet we struggle to find them. We often feel like God is playing hide & seek with us. And when we seek but do not find, we usually resort to doing our own plans and asking for God’s blessing on them. If God created each person unique, wouldn’t that mean that He has a specific plan for each one? And if that is true, why in the world would God keep those plans hidden from us? If you have wrestled with these questions, I have good news for you! No, it’s not magic or a secret formula, but a few simple principles, based on truth, that really work. I am confident that if you join me in looking into God’s Word, then apply the principles that we discover, you will be able to not only know God’s plans for you, but live a life of purpose and passion for His glory!

Session 1 - A Jealous God

A Sold Out life begins with an understanding of who God is and why He created you. Adding two principles to that understanding will enable you to unconditionally say “Yes, Lord”.

Session 2 - Thinking of You

You are not an accident, but a unique creation of God for a special purpose here on this earth. God wants you to know His plans for you. He is ready and waiting to show you. Are you ready?

Session 3 - The Greatest Command

What does it mean to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength? And how is this command related to discovering God’s plans for your life?

Session 4 - The Place of God

One of the most common errors people make in seeking God’s plans for their life is taking God’s rightful place. Who is in control in your life?

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  • 5
    sold out series!

    Posted by Corey M Dodd on 2nd Jan 2015

    Loved these sold out series! They helped me tremendously in my Christian life and many more in our church, youth and older people. Those series brought revival in our church. Thanks so much!!! A friend, Corey m Dodd

  • 5
    Highly Recommend

    Posted by Unknown on 20th Dec 2014

    VERY good DVD! I recommend it to anyone!

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